Away From Home – Episode 25 – Added Android Port [vatosgames]

Your father is an ex-cop. One day he tells you and your mother have to go to your aunt’s house which is approximately 2500 km away, without giving any reason. You are against it because going there means almost starting a new life but your mother already prepared everything and ready to hit to road. You’ll reunite with your cousins after 12 years and encounter new people while trying to find out why did your father send you away from home.

Date: 23.11.2024
Language: English
Version: Episodes 1-25
Censored: No

Extract and run the application.

INC Patch:
Put the “zzzzz.rpy” file into “AwayFromHome/game” folder. Don’t change the name.

Download links
Download for Windows Download from Ranoz Download from Qiwi Download from AkiraBox Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile
Download for MAC Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile
Download for Android Download from Ranoz Download from Qiwi Download from ApkBox Download from TeraBox Download from Apkadmin Download from Aupfile
Inc Patch Download

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , File size: 4814 mb Creators:

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80 responses to “Away From Home – Episode 25 – Added Android Port [vatosgames]”

  1. Kevin says:

    could you put the valid download link for android please

  2. Kiuooo says:

    Bro the android mega’s not working

  3. Rdv says:

    Update it asap plz..when the next update coming ??

  4. Rio says:

    walktrouth please

  5. Anounimous says:

    Another android link please

  6. Frb says:

    Another amdtoid link please

  7. Shimes says:

    MacOS link please and thank you

  8. wilfredo says:

    Por favor el enlace para Android no sirve por favor arreglarlo

  9. Sarthak audarya says:

    Not working for Android pls replace it!!!

  10. wilfredo says:

    Hola el enlace de androide sigue sin funcionar por favor arreglar.

  11. wilfredo says:

    Hola que pasa con este juego no han subido ninguna otra actualización desde septiembre. El desarrollador dejó de seguir este juego o es algo más, realmente quisiera saber pues este es un buen juego y me gustaría continuarlo gracias.

  12. Anonimo says:

    Hola este juego lo abandonaron?? Por favor continuenlo pues es un gran juego con una gran historia.

  13. Sarthak audarya says:

    Love the game try putting pregnancy options,lactation and make android link available!! Overall a good game just try improving these things!!

  14. Basa89 says:

    Games makes all MC choices you as the player have no say

  15. JR LXIV says:

    Hey admin notice me can u fix away from home android version. It keeps me crashing

  16. Nahhh says:

    It doesn’t advance to ep13 it gets stuck on 12:(

  17. King says:

    Please add Android version in chapter 13-19.. because Android version end chapter 12…. I want to play chapter 13,14,15,16,17,18 and chapter 19…but it is not possible if it add Android version,, please fix it

  18. Jean says:

    I clicked the end of chapter 12 but it won’t continue to the next chapter for some reason no matter how many times I tried, could someone please fix it. I download it in android, by the way.

  19. Krititwa Raj says:

    After episode 12 Game Is Not Running I have Downloaded several time With Different links

  20. Iampiyush10 says:

    Compressed version

  21. Rebel11 says:

    Can’t get passed ep.12 on Android port. I’m able to swipe back and save but won’t move passed while tapping screen. Tried closing app and restarting. Tried redownloading app and starting over. Nothing works. Hope it gets fixed. I’m thoroughly enjoying this one.

    • Capt.Daddy says:

      I would delete the game…go thru and delete any other ghost stuff in settings/downloads,make sure to redownload using your phones internet and not wifi. Before you open the game restart your phone again, plz also make sure your phone has all other notifications OFF. Any pop-up or alert msg could cause the game to get an internal error. Hope that helps!!

  22. Beast13 says:

    When will the official Android version release?

  23. Beast07 says:

    Hi, why did the developer removed the relationship between the MC and the family members. I request you to please add it back because it is very erotic when he calls mom, aunt, sister etc. To them while having sex. Please add relationship back

  24. King says:

    Please early update next episode, we are waiting for the next update

  25. Smzp says:

    Please compressed download links

  26. King says:

    Finally came new chapter with new update

  27. Andrew says:

    How can i install inc patch on android?

  28. Beast07 says:

    Apk is not installing after downloading from Android link.

  29. Exclusive says:

    Does anyone have a save for episode 20?

  30. Angelo says:

    Quando ci sarà la continua?

  31. Beast07 says:

    Does Android apk installing on anyone’s mobile phone? Because when i download it is not working after downloading apk.

  32. Arta says:

    I wish this game will he finish soon i love it

  33. Beast07 says:

    Android apk not working. Can someone please provide the correct link

  34. Your mom says:

    No zip file for android patch? Hard pass.

  35. Cas says:

    Game was so good until chapter 20, now it’s just boring with all the outside characters that distract you from the main story line. There is no progress, just useless fucking around the place.

  36. I downloaded episode 22 and it still ends where episode 21 ended.
    What happened?

  37. Nahhh says:

    One question, I’m not in the MC’s mother path but after the explosion event he still fucks her how does that happen, and something weird happened with the red hair woman that is married to the bald guy, there’s a scene with red hair woman the bald guy a green hair woman with a chubby kid and the mc are in the pull and they are talking like they now each other but that’s the first time i met them and later he fucks the red hair woman i don’t get it

    • Cas says:

      This is one off those games where the dev don’t expect you to reject anyone. If you do, in the story you fucked them anyway.

  38. jackDfapper says:

    Downloaded ep 22 but still it ends at ep 21

  39. Jisun says:

    Please add Android

  40. King says:

    Android version added please

  41. Nai says:

    Plz add Android version

  42. eatnapeach says:

    Android please

  43. Ghostninjq says:

    Add android pls

  44. Lastman34 says:

    Congratulations.. this is a remarkable game compared to many others! Good work!

  45. Lastman34 says:

    Android not working.. whene İm wrighting the MC name, game kick me out! Please befeore add, just play this game yourself dude!

  46. king says:

    please try to early update new chapter♥️

  47. Vcvc6969 says:

    I have this game on my android phone and i am currently in chapter 22 how to install new update without loosing my saves please tell step by step

  48. king says:

    Please brother update early new chapter ♥️

  49. Jack says:

    when coming new chapter bother,, please tell me the date,,
    iam waiting for new chapter
    hello developer..??
    answer me to reply bro..

  50. Jack says:

    why you late for updating new chapter

  51. Pepsodent says:

    Add Ntr

  52. Joe says:

    Android update 1-25 can fix bug

  53. Dwight says:

    Fix bug please

  54. king says:

    bro fuck you because you take long time to update new chapter,,, why bro why?? don’t late update new chapter,, trying to early update new chapter under 2 month.

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